Africa Asia Youth Nest (AAYN)

Our Vision

To be an active community of youth (under 40) who proactively connect across borders in Africa and create synergetic values for a better future.

Our Four Missions

  1. To create a networking opportunity between active youth.
  2. To act in cooperative creation of values and social impacts.
  3. To lobby for improving the youth situation.
  4. To build win-win partnerships with Asian/African companies & activists.

1. Create

To create a networking opportunity between active youth.

    • 1st, October (Online Event)
  • Africa x Japan Youth Meet-up! in Tokyo
    • 15th, October (Tokyo, Japan)

2. Act

To act in cooperative creation of values and social impacts.

  • 10 CEOs doing business/NPO activities in African countries from AAYN communities

3. Lobby

To lobby for improving the youth situation.

  • Create a draft of policy proposals by 2024 March.
    • Multiple brainstorming sessions (online) are planned in 2024 Jan & Feb.
    • The draft will be brushed up with young Japanese politicians and corporate executives.
  • Hold “Youth TICAD” conference in 2024 to make our activity more publicly known and impactful.

4. Build

To build win-win partnerships with Asian/African companies & activists.

  • Special Lectures by Corporate Executives
    • 11th, February (Tokyo, Japan)